
Take care of both the inside and the outside with the BEAUTY & FITNESS PACKAGE - 5 SELECTED PRODUCTS

One of autumn's must-haves for those who like to combine health, exercise and beauty. We have put together five selected products in a package that boosts your energy, gives the skin more glow and increases the body's metabolism. A wonderful combination. You strengthen your immune system, stay healthy and strong and get more energy for training, which gives you increased energy in itself.

Collagen, which is our main protein, helps the body stay strong and flexible during exercise, reduces injuries and improves recovery. A supplement for everyone over 25 as our own production slowly begins to decline. We therefore need to replenish ourselves daily to support the body and, among other things, maintain elasticity in the skin. Collagen Premium+ comes from Norwegian wild-caught cod, where we take care of the fish skin and extract the collagen. A process and product that we are very proud of, in our opinion you get the purest collagen on the market.

Studies show the lingonberry's ability to counteract obesity, provide stable insulin production and therefore have good benefits in type 2 diabetes. Our Nordic hand-picked berries, which grow completely wild in an untouched environment, receive during their growth in the long hard winters and 24-hour sunlight during the summer, a high content of antioxidants and vitamins. Simply mix in your water bottle for a good daily vitamin water on the go or supplement your meals with a berry powder for an increased nutritional content. 

At the same time give yourself a facelift and increase blood circulation with Acu Cups, feel free to try giving yourself a beneficial massage at your next shower/bath and your new Beauty and fitness routine is complete.




You can buy the entire BEAUTY & FITNESS package here<3

That's why we have more or less skin wrinkles


The skin is vital to our health and general well-being. In addition to the skin being the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses, healthy skin ensures that the fluid balance is maintained and facilitates the regulation of body temperature. It is our organ our largest and most visible organ, covering almost 30 m² if you count hair follicles and sebaceous glands and making up close to a sixth of our body weight. It is very sensitive and can sense the lightest touch as well as pain. How your skin feels can also have a significant impact on your self-esteem, but conversely you can also say that how you feel is reflected in your skin. What scientists now know is that the skin also forms hormones, so emotions, diet and hormones have a big effect on your skin.


Skin Facts

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The main structural components of the dermis are collagen and elastin, connective tissue that provides strength and flexibility and are the essential components of healthy and youthful skin. These fibers are surrounded by a gel-like substance (containing hyaluronic acid) that has a strong water-binding capacity and helps maintain skin volume. It is this that many are now starting to inject to maintain moisture and fullness.


Why do we have more or less wrinkles?

It's in the genes - look at your parents and you'll get a likely picture of how your skin will age. No two skins are the same, just like ourselves, and it ages differently depending on heredity and lifestyle, but the first signs of aging usually appear on the skin's surface in our 30s. Things that can speed up the process from the outside are, for example, sun, air pollution and smoking. As we get older, the substances that keep the skin smooth decrease. They are collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.


Young skin has a structure reminiscent of building blocks: a systematic structure of skin tissue and an abundant supply of collagen. It looks smooth and feels solid. Over time, internal and external factors begin to affect how the skin looks:

» Internal factors: the natural (or biological) aging process is predetermined by our genes, as well as your emotions and hormones.

" External factors: environmental factors that can create oxidative stress, e.g. overexposure to sunlight, poor sleep, wrong type of diet, etc.

From the age of 25, collagen levels decrease by 1 percent per year and, together with an increasingly "disorganized skin tissue", this causes a decrease in the strength of the skin and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Another important factor in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles is surface dryness. As a result of reduced skin functions, mature skin becomes increasingly dry and may also itch and become rough. This is, among other factors, the reason for a reduced amount of hyaluronic acid being produced in the skin. It is the moisture-binding substance that surrounds the cells and gives the skin its youthful, smooth appearance. This decline causes the skin to lose its firmness andh become more susceptible to folds and deep wrinkles.

Photo: Clara Moberg

Join Beauty Boost! 2 weeks in the sign of beauty!

Now summer is fast approaching and certainly it feels both strange and different this time.
Something that always stays with you, after all, is your skin and for these 2 weeks, starting tomorrow, we'll be filling your mailbox with lots of tips for your skin - so you can face the summer with the glow you deserve!

1. Sign up for our newsletter (found at the bottom of the website)
2. Join the closed Facebook HEALTH BUDDY GROUP 

There will be recipes, holistic tips and expert information and great discounts on products that just do wonders for your beauty from the inside out. And not least, we will broadcast LIVE WEBINAR and also visit skin experts!

Health and beauty from within

For 25 years, my vision has been to inspire a life of health and wellness from a holistic perspective. That vision is with me in everything I do, when I develop new products, help design the new Spa, in collaborations with other companies and every day in my work to develop and lead Nordic Superfood. For me, holistic is also developing products with consideration for the environment, animals and people, may sound obvious to many, but unfortunately the industry does not always look like that.

Our collagen - wild caught and preserved 

Collagen Premium+ is a marine collagen powder that is made from wild-caught Norwegian cod - we simply use the by-product of the fish that creates our fine collagen. It is 100% microhydralized which allows your body to absorb it better and it gives you better results. All our products are made from the Nordic nature!


1/2 dl organic applejuice
1/2 cup water
1 tsp sea buckthorn super concentrate
1 table spoon Collagen Premium+
Mix all ingredients in a glass, shake/stir and enjoy!

Sea buckthorn is the Nordic region's most nutritious berry with a very high content of vitamins, flavonoids and contains over three times more vitamin C per 100 grams than an orange. The berries contain a lot of fiber and the essential fatty acids omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 
The high content of vitamin C makes it easier for you to absorb collagen, which gives you elastic skin that binds moisture more easily, as well as softer joints and stronger cartilage. A real Beauty boost, both for the inside and the outside! 

How to keep your skin fresh

Isabella, graphic designer at Nordic Superfood, shares her best tips on how to keep your skin fresh!

Skip the makeup! Make-up clogs pores and contributes to poorer skin. Invest in a good cleanser every morning and evening, and finish with a moisturizing skin cream. You will feel so fresh and clean!

 Use our product - Collagen Premium+ every day! Collagen has a documented effect against wrinkles and cellulite. It increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Our skin consists of a whopping 75% collagen! The recommended period of use is at least 8-12 weeks, but many people experience increased humidity already after 3-4 weeks.

 Think about what you eat. What you eat corresponds to your complexion. If you have an unhealthy diet, it will reflect on your complexion. Eat more fruit and vegetables, for a healthier lifestyle and better skin.

Exercise increases blood circulation and is the supply of nutrients to the skin, which helps the production of collagen. A regular exercise beats all facial treatments, and you get an almost immediate rejuvenating effect on the skin.

 Improved sleep also contributes to better skin! It is while we sleep that the body's cells go into their main repair phase. This is when the skin gets a chance to repair the cell damage that may have occurred during the day. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep, it gives the skin the opportunity to recover properly.

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