Therefore, a warm bath is good for the body! September 13, 2022Linda Myrberg Heat has the ability to calm the body, as the activity of the internal organs slows down. If you take a warm bath, you notice that stiff muscles and stress...
This is how you stimulate your lymphatic system February 22, 2022Linda Myrberg We are daily exposed to up to 82,000 different poisons (toxins) every day! If the body somehow fails to detoxify itself, it leads to the accumulation of toxins and that...
Make your own herbal scrub with essential oils December 22, 2021Linda Myrberg Make your own herbal scrub. It is simple, nice and grateful to stay in our Nordic nature, to experience all the health benefits and raw materials that naturally bring the...
Cellulite and wrinkles - Sand here effective are Acu Cups! July 04, 2021Linda Myrberg Cellulite and wrinkles - Sand here effective are Acu Cups! It comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is usually placed on the back using glass cups and fire, which creates...
Scrub with honey & sea buckthorn February 04, 2020Linda Myrberg Home Spa with honey and sea buckthorn scrub It's easy for the skin to become dry when it gets colder outside, and what many people don't know is that it's...