Blue Chia Pudding August 21, 2020Isabella Landeback Blue overnight chia pudding from @pralinsystrarna 💙Recipe for 2 people:1 tsk Nordic Superfood, Blue Bärpulver3 dl Greek yogurt1.5 tbsp Chia seeds1 tbsp Havremjölk1 Banana, slicedMix chia seeds and oat milk...
Avocado toast March 30, 2020Myran Lindberg Avocado toast with Green powder! 💚2 tsk Nordic Superfood - Green pulver2 Avocados5 basil leaves2 slices of sourdough bread (toast the bread if you want)1 Lime slice1 ml Sea salt1...
Chia parfait with strawberry March 12, 2020Myran Lindberg Strawberry Chia Parfait with RED Berry Powder! ❤️ Chia Pudding – Ingredients:1 dl plant-based milk1/4 cup chia seeds1 tablespoon maple syrup Strawberry stock – Ingredients:1 msk RED bärpulver❤️1 dl frozen...
Chia kokos perfect March 12, 2020Myran Lindberg Chia coconut parfait with Nordic Beauty Remedy! Ingredients:1 bag of Nordic Beauty Remedy2 dl coconut milk3 tbsp chia seeds2 teaspoons of honey0.5 teaspoon vanilla extract Do this:For two people. Mix...
Blue Chiapudding February 05, 2020Linda Myrberg Blue Chiapudding Recipe for 1 serving1 teaspoon BLUE berry powder - blueberries, chokeberry, black currants1.5 tbsp Chia seeds1dl (+ a little extra when serving) Coconut milk1 teaspoon Blueberry raw juice...
Blackcurrant Chia Pudding February 05, 2020Linda Myrberg Recipe for 1 portion1 teaspoon Black currant rawjuice concentrate1 teaspoon BLUE berry powder1.5 tablespoons chia seeds1dl (+ a little extra when serving) Coconut milk1 teaspoon liquid honey1 pinch sea saltA...
Nordic Beauty Porridge February 05, 2020Linda Myrberg A meal full of fiber, perfect as a start to the morning!2 dl oats3-4 dl waterA little cinnamon + cardamomA bag of Nordic Beauty RemedyStir together and enjoy! Top with...
Sea buckthorn & collagen drink February 05, 2020Linda Myrberg A beauty drink that improves skin, hair and muscles and is anti-inflammatory. Nordic health rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals from the wild Nordic nature. No sugar added. Ingredients for...