
Face Cupping - Why Your Face Will Love It

Face Cupping increases microcirculation and subsequently helps boost collagen & elastin production which results in improved skin texture and glow.

By stimulating lymphatic drainage it helps reduce puffiness and acne, release tension in the muscles, define facial contours and diminish the appearance of fine lines.

Facial Cupping will de-puff your face, release tension in the facial muscles and leave your skin feeling toned, firm and glowing.

Face cupping increased the circulation, softens and relaxes your face muscles. Collagen production in the skin stimulates and fluids decreases effectively!


How to use:

Step 1: 

Apply a face oil to your face to prepare your skin. We recommend using our Holistic Body Oil to give your face an extra glow. 

Step 2: 

Use dynamic circular movements. Do not let your cup be suctioned into one place. Be careful with superficial blood vessels. 



You simply press your cups together against the skin and a negative pressure is formed in the skin which affects the connective tissue in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue.

Use the 2 smallest cups, the smallest for the eye area.

Go under and on your chin, moving from the centre to the sides of your face. Repeat on your cheeks, under and above your eyes and the forehead. To finish, slide the cup down along your forehead on the sides of your face and down your neck

Recommended use: 10 minutes 1-3 times a week


DE FEM ELEMENTEN är läran om de fem elementen och härstammar från den kinesiska filosofin. Det är ett sätt att bl.a. se på vår kroppskonstitution/personlighet och förhållande till vår omgivning. Vi är på insidan uppbyggda av fem organpar/element som ska samverka i en energigivande och flödande cykel.


Jord är elementet som integrerar de andra elementen, som balanserar dem och gör att de fungerar smidigt sinsemellan. Jord är inriktat på fullbordan. Att saker och ting når sin naturliga kulmen. Det är elementet som i sin balanserade form är inriktat på harmoni och balans.

Organ: Magsäck och mjälte

Färg: gul, brun

Årstid: sensommar

Negativ känsla: oro och bekymmer

Positiv känsla: balans och harmoni

Mentalt fokus: rening och energi för att skapa inre balans.

Jordelementet är knutet till magsäck och mjälte och står för lugnet och harmonin inom oss. Magsäckens fysiologiska funktion är att bryta ner och finfördela maten med magsyra så den transporteras vidare genom tarmen. Mjältens viktigaste uppgifter är att bryta ner röda och vita blodkroppar och att bilda vita blodkroppar för vårt immunförsvar.

Själsligt behöver jordelementet va i balans så oro kan skingras och djup kontakt med intuitionen kan råda.

Om man har obalans i mjälten kan man känna sig deppig, hängig, tung i kroppen, blek, trött, och vara förkyld ofta. Man får hormonobalanser, blir sötsugen, uppblåst mage, menstruations problemer.  Ofta är man stressad och ju mer man grubblar ju mer obalans får man i mjältens meridianbana.

Jordelementets styrka är att kunna nära och stödja andra, samt att kunna bryta ner stora mängder information samt utvinna det viktigaste. När Jordelementet är i balans, är vi harmoniska och har förmåga att koncentrera oss, tänka, studera och minnas

Hur kan man äta för att stärka din mjältes energibana?

Undvik kall, rå och frusen mat, ät tillagade ekologiska grönsaker, rotfrukter, kyckling, kalkon och fisk. Använd värmande kryddor som ingefära, kardemumma, persilja och peppar. Avsätt tid för att ta hand om dig själv och öva på att säga NEJ 😉

När ditt jordelement blir starkare så kommer qi att återvända och du mår bättre.

Take care of both the inside and the outside with the BEAUTY & FITNESS PACKAGE - 5 SELECTED PRODUCTS

One of autumn's must-haves for those who like to combine health, exercise and beauty. We have put together five selected products in a package that boosts your energy, gives the skin more glow and increases the body's metabolism. A wonderful combination. You strengthen your immune system, stay healthy and strong and get more energy for training, which gives you increased energy in itself.

Collagen, which is our main protein, helps the body stay strong and flexible during exercise, reduces injuries and improves recovery. A supplement for everyone over 25 as our own production slowly begins to decline. We therefore need to replenish ourselves daily to support the body and, among other things, maintain elasticity in the skin. Collagen Premium+ comes from Norwegian wild-caught cod, where we take care of the fish skin and extract the collagen. A process and product that we are very proud of, in our opinion you get the purest collagen on the market.

Studies show the lingonberry's ability to counteract obesity, provide stable insulin production and therefore have good benefits in type 2 diabetes. Our Nordic hand-picked berries, which grow completely wild in an untouched environment, receive during their growth in the long hard winters and 24-hour sunlight during the summer, a high content of antioxidants and vitamins. Simply mix in your water bottle for a good daily vitamin water on the go or supplement your meals with a berry powder for an increased nutritional content. 

At the same time give yourself a facelift and increase blood circulation with Acu Cups, feel free to try giving yourself a beneficial massage at your next shower/bath and your new Beauty and fitness routine is complete.




You can buy the entire BEAUTY & FITNESS package here<3

Linda explains what energy is according to Eastern medicine

Part 1 of Linda's Holistic mini-course

What is energy?

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) originates from Asia and have existed for thousands of years. It consists of various types of treatment such as; acupressure, acupuncture and herbal medicine.The doctrine about acupuncture have existed in China for over 5.000 years and the first book about acupuncture is written almost 2.000 years ago..

TCM is a system with many principles and concepts.

The most important of all concepts is the holistic view, which means taking into account the whole person: body and psyche, and the individual's surrounding environment and health history. This affects a person's condition and health. Health problems and pain are perceived as imbalances and blockages of the energy flow in the body's energy pathways, the so-called meridians. Through needles, pressure treatment and diet, the body's balance is restored.

  • Pains, depressions, swellings and other unpleasant symptoms are the body's way of signaling that it is in a stressful situation.

  • If you only treat symptoms, you do not get down to the underlying causes of the imbalance.

  • Acupuncture is clinically documented and used by professional therapists and in hospitals. In Sweden, every third practicing doctor uses acupuncture today.

The energy flows through our body through a conduction system called meridians, which has a deep process through the 12 internal organs and an external one between the skin and muscles.

Each organ has its own meridian. 6 yin and 6 yang meridians.
Along the meridians there are points with extra high energetic density - this is where you treat with needles or pressure. 
There are 361 meridian points in total.

Here you can learn more about which energy comes from where and in the next blog post you will learn practical points so that you can treat stress, headaches, hormonal imbalance and pain yourself.