Sauna Bath Season is here! November 10, 2022Anna Nylen Winter and colder times is around the corner which means it is Sauna Season! ❄️ Did you know that sauna baths cleans the body from toxins and is an effective...
The sense of smell - lives its own life August 09, 2022Linda Myrberg THE SENSE OF SCENT is the sense organ that cannot be controlled by your brain. Scent molecules go "under the radar" past the cerebrum, to the cerebellum and the limbic...
35% increase in skin moisture after 8 weeks! April 19, 2022Linda Myrberg Great documented effect on the skin in clinical studies. A clinical dermatological study was conducted in 2017 where women aged 40-55 used our product Collagen Premium+ daily for 8 weeks....
Therefore, women feel good from eating sea buckthorn March 18, 2022Linda Myrberg Can you get tanned and beautiful skin with sea buckthorn? Sea buckthorn contains beta-carotene which acts as a precursor to vitamin A in the body. The carotene is stored under the skin...
That's why we have more or less skin wrinkles June 10, 2020Isabella Landeback Skin The skin is vital to our health and general well-being. In addition to the skin being the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses, healthy skin ensures...
Join Beauty Boost! 2 weeks in the sign of beauty! June 07, 2020Linda Myrberg Now summer is fast approaching and certainly it feels both strange and different this time.Something that always stays with you, after all, is your skin and for these 2 weeks,...
Health and beauty from within March 16, 2020Myran Lindberg For 25 years, my vision has been to inspire a life of health and wellness from a holistic perspective. That vision is with me in everything I do, when I...
How to keep your skin fresh February 04, 2020Linda Myrberg Isabella, graphic designer at Nordic Superfood, shares her best tips on how to keep your skin fresh! Skip the makeup! Make-up clogs pores and contributes to poorer skin. Invest in...