Lingonberry - Natures superfruit November 23, 2022Anna Nylen Lingonberries are small, red berries dubbed super fruits due to their nutritional profile and antioxidant content. Studies suggest that they may promote healthy gut bacteria, weight control, heart health, and...
Sauna Bath Season is here! November 10, 2022Anna Nylen Winter and colder times is around the corner which means it is Sauna Season! ❄️ Did you know that sauna baths cleans the body from toxins and is an effective...
The sense of smell - lives its own life August 09, 2022Linda Myrberg THE SENSE OF SCENT is the sense organ that cannot be controlled by your brain. Scent molecules go "under the radar" past the cerebrum, to the cerebellum and the limbic...
35% increase in skin moisture after 8 weeks! April 19, 2022Linda Myrberg Great documented effect on the skin in clinical studies. A clinical dermatological study was conducted in 2017 where women aged 40-55 used our product Collagen Premium+ daily for 8 weeks....
Medicines for underactive thyroid produce the most side effects of ALL medicines out there! September 30, 2020Linda Myrberg Problems with the thyroid gland can give you many problems such as increased fatigue, hair loss, poor memory, PMS problems, constipation, goiter or weight gain. Thyroid problems are increasing at...
✔️ 6 tips on how to counteract dry skin August 30, 2020Linda Myrberg We are made up of about 60% water and did you know that there are many symptoms that can stem from something as simple as dehydration?• A general feeling of fatigue• Premature aging• Weight gain•...
Linda explains what energy is according to Eastern medicine May 23, 2020Linda Myrberg Part 1 of Linda's Holistic mini-course What is energy? TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) originates from Asia and have existed for thousands of years. It consists of various types of treatment such as; acupressure, acupuncture...