The power of thoughts changes your skin

Your organ The lung controls, according to Chinese medicine, the condition of the skin, as the skin is the first barrier between the external environment and the internal. And is part of our defense energy. Emotions that affect the lung energy phase are unprocessed sadness. That is, if you have lost a relative, divorced or gone through something difficult, which you have not processed, can create an imbalance in the energy of the lungs. The skin gossips about the state of emotions. Stress can also negatively affect the skin by becoming dry and sensitive, causing rashes, exacerbating acne, eczema and psoriasis.


5 things you can do to get your mind on track.


Deep breathing

Focus on deep breathing, counting to 3 as you inhale and counting to 6 as you exhale, through your nose. When organs get the oxygen they need, it affects the skin positively. Watch the breathing exercise that calms down with Jason Millne below.


Positive thoughts

Try to focus on what you have control over. What you can't control, there's no point putting your energy into it. You choose how to react to your feelings, don't let your feelings control you/your thoughts.


Throw away the martyr´s crown

A good motto is: You're not what happened to you, but what you choose to become. // Carl Jung


Seek help

If you have a hard time getting over something that makes you sad. Don't dwell on sad thoughts for too long, it drains your defense energy and can make you more susceptible to illness. 


Laugh and enjoy more

Laughter and enjoyment release the happiness hormone oxytocin. When we enjoy or laugh, the "happiness hormone" oxytocin is secreted, which is formed in the pituitary gland and is also a neurotransmitter (a substance that transmits impulses between nerve cells). It enhances the feeling of well-being and lowers the stress level. Remember - a happy person is the most beautiful thing there is! The world's best beauty hack!

Advantages of dry brushing

Dry brushing is one of the best things you can do to stimulate your lymph and only takes five minutes. It immediately gives softer skin with more radiance.

Here you can read about how to dry brush correctly!

» Removes the dead skin cells

» Stimulates blood circulation

» The skin "breathes" better

» Good for edema, loose skin and cellulite

» Counteracts fatigue and stress


Do this:

1. Start brushing from the feet upwards with the legs, knees, thighs and buttocks. Always pull in short strokes in an upward direction towards the heart. Brush the same area several times and feel free to overlap so as not to miss an area. Add extra power to areas with cellulite. Then brush further on the stomach with circular movements from right to left and the same over the chest. Then continue with the arms in short straight strokes still towards the heart followed by the back and shoulders. 

2. Be careful over your stomach and chest where you are more sensitive than your legs and arms. 

3. When you have finished brushing your body, you can shower and lubricate yourself with a natural vegetable oil. We love coconut oil! Alternate between cold and hot showers. Finish with cold to tighten the pores and get the last adrenaline kick!
4. Finish with a large glass of water with sea buckthorn and collagen in it. 

Do you know your lymph and what it does for your skin?

Lymph is often called the forgotten body system because most people have never heard of it. If you have heard of the lymphatic system, it is usually in rather boring contexts with cancer and that the lymphatic system has been damaged.

 Lymph is one of the body's major cleansing organs and an important part of our immune system, which should protect us against disease and other damage. Our lymph nodes are located in smart places, which are stimulated when we walk, e.g. the neck, armpits and in the groin, these places are especially stimulated when we move. In short, when the muscles contract and relax, the lymph nodes are also compressed and stimulated, you could say that the muscles are the heart or pump of the lymphatic system.

An underactive lymph can cause skin problems such as dry skin, impure skin, rashes, cellulite, etc. In the next couple of days you will find out what you can do to stimulate your lymph as best as possible!

The purpose of the lymph:

» Eliminates viruses and bacteria in our bodies.

» The immune system  helps us fight infections.

» Transport around substances such as cells, proteins and waste products in the body and the cells called lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell.

» The lymph removes toxins and excess bag from the body cells.

The secret of the yellow berries for your skin

Vitamin C and Carotenoids

Carotenoids are a type of color pigment that gives fruits and vegetables a yellow-orange color. Carotenoids are absorbed via the intestine from food and can then be transformed in the body into vitamin A, also known as Retinol, which has scientific and positive properties when it comes to, for example, acne, psoriasis, sun damage or wrinkles. Yellow berries are also full of vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects the cells against oxidative stress in the skin, which leads to premature aging of the skin. Vitamin C is good for the immune system and necessary to maintain your energy level. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the body's absorption of iron, which is important for the production of collagen in the skin cells, to support the skin's structure and counteract signs of aging. Oxidative stress leads to dull and tired skin and vitamin C gives the skin the boost it needs to look younger and fresher.

Sea buckthorn: 
Sea buckthorn is a powerful, nutritious Superfood. The amount of vitamin C in a single small sea buckthorn berry is as much as in five oranges. Sea buckthorn is a rich source of several desirable fatty acids, such as Omega 3, 6, 7 & 9. Sea buckthorn can have an anti-aging effect and in the cosmetic industry, sea buckthorn oil is used for beauty purposes to rejuvenate the skin through the regeneration of skin cells.
Sea buckthorn contains 10 vitamins, 24 trace elements and 18 amino acids including omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 as well as the important vitamins such as A, B, C and E.

Rose hip: 
The rosehip is considered one of the Nordic superberries with its nutritious plant substances. 2 dl of rose hips contains as much vitamin C as 1 kg of lemons. Rosehip has been shown to be very effective against joint pain and inflammation in rheumatic problems and osteoarthritis. Studies show that rosehip affects both cholesterol and blood pressure in the right direction. Read the study here.

The cloudberry contains up to four times as much vitamin C as an orange. 100 grams of cloudberry covers almost the entire daily requirement. In addition, they contain fiber, magnesium, zinc, potassium and beta-carotene. Cloudberry is also high in iron which helps improve the body's circulation.

That's why we have more or less skin wrinkles


The skin is vital to our health and general well-being. In addition to the skin being the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses, healthy skin ensures that the fluid balance is maintained and facilitates the regulation of body temperature. It is our organ our largest and most visible organ, covering almost 30 m² if you count hair follicles and sebaceous glands and making up close to a sixth of our body weight. It is very sensitive and can sense the lightest touch as well as pain. How your skin feels can also have a significant impact on your self-esteem, but conversely you can also say that how you feel is reflected in your skin. What scientists now know is that the skin also forms hormones, so emotions, diet and hormones have a big effect on your skin.


Skin Facts

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The main structural components of the dermis are collagen and elastin, connective tissue that provides strength and flexibility and are the essential components of healthy and youthful skin. These fibers are surrounded by a gel-like substance (containing hyaluronic acid) that has a strong water-binding capacity and helps maintain skin volume. It is this that many are now starting to inject to maintain moisture and fullness.


Why do we have more or less wrinkles?

It's in the genes - look at your parents and you'll get a likely picture of how your skin will age. No two skins are the same, just like ourselves, and it ages differently depending on heredity and lifestyle, but the first signs of aging usually appear on the skin's surface in our 30s. Things that can speed up the process from the outside are, for example, sun, air pollution and smoking. As we get older, the substances that keep the skin smooth decrease. They are collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.


Young skin has a structure reminiscent of building blocks: a systematic structure of skin tissue and an abundant supply of collagen. It looks smooth and feels solid. Over time, internal and external factors begin to affect how the skin looks:

» Internal factors: the natural (or biological) aging process is predetermined by our genes, as well as your emotions and hormones.

" External factors: environmental factors that can create oxidative stress, e.g. overexposure to sunlight, poor sleep, wrong type of diet, etc.

From the age of 25, collagen levels decrease by 1 percent per year and, together with an increasingly "disorganized skin tissue", this causes a decrease in the strength of the skin and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Another important factor in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles is surface dryness. As a result of reduced skin functions, mature skin becomes increasingly dry and may also itch and become rough. This is, among other factors, the reason for a reduced amount of hyaluronic acid being produced in the skin. It is the moisture-binding substance that surrounds the cells and gives the skin its youthful, smooth appearance. This decline causes the skin to lose its firmness andh become more susceptible to folds and deep wrinkles.

Photo: Clara Moberg