Detox drink

Ginger water:

1 liter of water

3 tablespoons grated fresh Ginger

1 large teaspoon Honey

1 organic Lemon

Do this:

Mix everything in a blender. Pour into a glass bottle. This mixing lasts for 4 days. Every morning:1 glass of ginger water together with 1 teaspoon GREEN Powder.

Blue Chiapudding

Blue Chiapudding Recept för 1 portion 1 tsk BLUE bärpulver - blåbär, aronia, svarta vinbär 1,5 msk Chiafrön 1dl (+lite extra vid servering) Kokosmjölk 1 tsk Blåbär råsaft koncentrat 1 tsk flytande honung 1 krm havsalt Lite äkta vaniljpulver Gör så här: Blötlägg chiafrön i kokosmjölk tillsammans med vanilj, honung, blue bärpulver och blåbärråsaft koncentrat. Rör runt och låt stå i minst 1h, men gärna över natten. Lägg upp i en liten skål/kopp och fyll på med några matskedar kall kokosmjölk. Toppa med kokosflingor och Blue bärpulver.

Red Superchino


2 dl warm Oat milk

2 teaspoons Red, Blue, Green, Yellow powder

1 teaspoon Agave syrup

Blue health drink

Recipe for 1 liter

2-3 tablespoons Nordic Superfood Black currant raw juice

1-2 tablespoons Nordic Superfood Collagen Premium + powder

1 clove lemon juice

How to:

Mix 1 liter of water with black currant raw juice and collagen powder. Squeeze in lemon juice. Cool and serve with ice!

Coldbrew Tea

Did you know that you can also cold-brew our tea?

1.5 teaspoons tea (Detox tea, Berry tea or vitamin C tea)

1 liter of cold water

How to:

Put the tea in a jug and fill with 1 liter of water. Cover with a little plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight. When done, strain the tea and pour into a glass of ice.