A new season is upon us.


The colors are changing and the trees are slowly shedding their leaves, change is in the air and a space for simplicity. We can stop and observe, enjoy an exhalation, feel strong in the trust that everything is exactly as it should be.

It's time to unwind, be together and cozy up at home. Put on your softest sweater, hike in your neighborhood, and invite your loved ones over for a picnic. Baking is an outlet for creativity, to indulge and something nice to give. Sharing is caring.

With Nordic Superfood berry powder, you can easily add the power of wild berries to your food and increase the nutritional content, color and taste!

YELLOW - sea buckthorn, rosehip, cloudberry

GREEN - nettle, kale, mint

RED - lingonberries, cranberries, red currants

BLUE -  blueberries, black currants, aronia

To be ready for autumn, you can now buy all 4 packets of Superfood powder, bursting with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and get a COLLAGEN 80g for free with the purchase. In addition, in order for you to be inspired and get started, you now also receive a FREE ONLINE PLANT-BASED RECIPE BOOK via a QR code inside the box. 


Invite, enjoy together and feel good this autumn!

Take care of both the inside and the outside with the BEAUTY & FITNESS PACKAGE - 5 SELECTED PRODUCTS

One of autumn's must-haves for those who like to combine health, exercise and beauty. We have put together five selected products in a package that boosts your energy, gives the skin more glow and increases the body's metabolism. A wonderful combination. You strengthen your immune system, stay healthy and strong and get more energy for training, which gives you increased energy in itself.

Collagen, which is our main protein, helps the body stay strong and flexible during exercise, reduces injuries and improves recovery. A supplement for everyone over 25 as our own production slowly begins to decline. We therefore need to replenish ourselves daily to support the body and, among other things, maintain elasticity in the skin. Collagen Premium+ comes from Norwegian wild-caught cod, where we take care of the fish skin and extract the collagen. A process and product that we are very proud of, in our opinion you get the purest collagen on the market.

Studies show the lingonberry's ability to counteract obesity, provide stable insulin production and therefore have good benefits in type 2 diabetes. Our Nordic hand-picked berries, which grow completely wild in an untouched environment, receive during their growth in the long hard winters and 24-hour sunlight during the summer, a high content of antioxidants and vitamins. Simply mix in your water bottle for a good daily vitamin water on the go or supplement your meals with a berry powder for an increased nutritional content. 

At the same time give yourself a facelift and increase blood circulation with Acu Cups, feel free to try giving yourself a beneficial massage at your next shower/bath and your new Beauty and fitness routine is complete.




You can buy the entire BEAUTY & FITNESS package here<3

''Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food''


The nutritional supplements of the future come from Nordic berries and plants! The research confirms that nutritious food with elements of Nordic berries and plants is the dietary supplement of the future. The secret is dietary fiber and these are not found in today's nutritional supplements or multivitamins.

According to Alicja Wolk, who is a professor at Karolinska Institutet within Epidemiology, Nutrition and Dietetics and Public Health, there is a big difference in getting antioxidants via multivitamin tablets compared to food. The tablet contains around ten vitamins and minerals, while food can contain thousands of different antioxidants.

- It makes a difference in uptake. One example is that the B vitamin folate via the diet is not absorbed to a greater extent than what the body needs. But in pills folic acid is taken up to 100 percent, says Alicja Wolk.

The difference in effect is about how the antioxidants are packaged. In fruit and vegetables, these substances exist together with dietary fibre. I the alimentary canal, especially in the acidic environment of the stomach, active oxygen is formed during food digestion which helps this process. This means that the antioxidants remain in the stomach and in the intestine for a longer time and can neutralize the free radicals there = Anti-oxidize. The fact that dietary supplements do not have the same effect is said to be because they break down too quickly.

That the content of the food is important is also confirmed by the many studies that show that those who eat a varied diet with a lot of fruit and vegetables run less risk of suffering from various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and certain forms of cancer. If we get too little we get sick, if we get enough we feel good and it can even prevent disease, but if we get too much, the vitamins become like a poison that can cause disease rather than prevent it.

"The Pharmacists' Association's expert on dietary supplements, Merja Aaltonen, says that it is best to ingest vitamins and minerals through the diet, but that dietary supplements are necessary in certain situations."

"We know today that buying food supplements is like throwing money into the lake," says Agneta Åkesson, nutrition epidemiologist at the Karolinska Institutet.

"The multivitamin study shows that the supply of extra vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin E increases the risk of dying. The worst was vitamin A, which increased that risk by as much as 16 percent. For vitamin C, neither positive nor negative effects could be seen, and the same applied to the trace element selenium," says Agneta.

This is how effective Acu Cups are against cellulite and wrinkles!

Cupping comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is usually placed on the back using glass cups and fire, which creates a negative pressure, causing the skin to lift up and various points to be stimulated to draw out imbalances.

We have created a modern version of them and use them as a tool for deep lymphatic and connective tissue massage, which you can do on yourself as well as a professional massage treatment in which you can become certified.

Acu Cups are suction cups used to stimulate your skin, connective tissue and muscles. It is a very effective way to increase the circulation of blood and lymph in an area. With the help of "suction cups", negative pressure is created in the skin, which affects the connective tissue in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue. The vacuum that is formed increases blood flow and helps to transport away waste products in the connective tissue, contributes to increased stimulation of collagen formation in the skin and gives an instant "glow" to the face.


A 5 minute massage with Acu Cups is equivalent to a 30 minute sports massage – it's perfect for everyone in the family!

Use for/against:

» Face lift effect 
» Reduce wrinkles 
» Increase blood circulation 
» Remove excess fluids 
» Increase collagen production 
» Cellulite and stretch marks 
» Swollen and tingling legs 
» Muscle tension 
» Pain and aches

What to do?
Lubricate the skin first with oil, cream or lotion.
You simply press your cups against the skin and a negative pressure is created in the skin, which lifts up and affects the connective tissue in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue. In dense connective tissue, more waste products accumulate, but through the vacuum that is formed, the blood flow increases, the fluid flow increases and a cleansing process begins. Feel free to use circular movements against the lymph nodes, if it hurts, relieve the pressure by squeezing the cup.

Cupping on the body can be done once or twice a day during the first weeks and then once or twice a week. Cupping can be local to certain points or performed as a massage. The cups should not sit on the same point for more than a few seconds if they are to be used as a massage tool, to avoid bruising. On the face, they can be used as part of the cleaning routine morning and evening in connection with applying day/night cream.

Improve your cupping effect by:
Good and healthy diet, regular exercise, dry brushing and sauna.
It is important to have an extra water intake as the excretion of toxins in the body increases.

When should I avoid cupping?
Avoid cupping if you suffer from heart problems, high blood pressure, are diabetic, stroke patient, pregnant or taking blood thinners.

  • The cups should be cleaned well after each treatment with soap and water.
  • ACU CUPS set contains 4 sizes. You use the two smallest for the face and the large ones for the body.


The juice that makes you look good and strong!

The juice that makes you beautiful & strong. Here you get the juice with the best ingredients available to make you look good and strong before Christmas! With, among other things, celery, collagen, sea buckthorn and ginger!