DE FEM ELEMENTEN är läran om de fem elementen och härstammar från den kinesiska filosofin. Det är ett sätt att bl.a. se på vår kroppskonstitution/personlighet och förhållande till vår omgivning. Vi är på insidan uppbyggda av fem organpar/element som ska samverka i en energigivande och flödande cykel.


Jord är elementet som integrerar de andra elementen, som balanserar dem och gör att de fungerar smidigt sinsemellan. Jord är inriktat på fullbordan. Att saker och ting når sin naturliga kulmen. Det är elementet som i sin balanserade form är inriktat på harmoni och balans.

Organ: Magsäck och mjälte

Färg: gul, brun

Årstid: sensommar

Negativ känsla: oro och bekymmer

Positiv känsla: balans och harmoni

Mentalt fokus: rening och energi för att skapa inre balans.

Jordelementet är knutet till magsäck och mjälte och står för lugnet och harmonin inom oss. Magsäckens fysiologiska funktion är att bryta ner och finfördela maten med magsyra så den transporteras vidare genom tarmen. Mjältens viktigaste uppgifter är att bryta ner röda och vita blodkroppar och att bilda vita blodkroppar för vårt immunförsvar.

Själsligt behöver jordelementet va i balans så oro kan skingras och djup kontakt med intuitionen kan råda.

Om man har obalans i mjälten kan man känna sig deppig, hängig, tung i kroppen, blek, trött, och vara förkyld ofta. Man får hormonobalanser, blir sötsugen, uppblåst mage, menstruations problemer.  Ofta är man stressad och ju mer man grubblar ju mer obalans får man i mjältens meridianbana.

Jordelementets styrka är att kunna nära och stödja andra, samt att kunna bryta ner stora mängder information samt utvinna det viktigaste. När Jordelementet är i balans, är vi harmoniska och har förmåga att koncentrera oss, tänka, studera och minnas

Hur kan man äta för att stärka din mjältes energibana?

Undvik kall, rå och frusen mat, ät tillagade ekologiska grönsaker, rotfrukter, kyckling, kalkon och fisk. Använd värmande kryddor som ingefära, kardemumma, persilja och peppar. Avsätt tid för att ta hand om dig själv och öva på att säga NEJ 😉

När ditt jordelement blir starkare så kommer qi att återvända och du mår bättre.

YOUR FEELING... how important is it?

Oxytocin is the body's feel-good hormone, which is produced by touch and high temperature. It reduces stress and calms you as it is an antagonist to the stress hormone cortisol. Daily stroking over your skin, taking a dip and feeling the touch of the water and then anointing yourself, is a fantastic way to get into a good mood and provides mental relaxation...


Make the skin soft and supple by lubricating it with beneficent oils that moisturize. The skin is your largest organ and by dry brushing 2 times a week, you help the body get rid of waste products and make the skin look rosy and healthy. After a shower with alternating hot and cold water, anoint yourself with nourishing body oil that protects and provides nourishment.

Choose with Holistic Body Oil Relax, Detox, Energy or Ground as you like found here


Did you know that it is very easy to make your own "nicecream"? Nicecream is made from frozen bananas, but it doesn't taste like banana, and gives a deliciously creamy soft serve texture. Taste with our vitamin-rich berry powders that give a amazing color and wonderful taste. A healthier ice cream alternative that everyone loves!


1 frozen banana

2 teaspoons RED powder

1/2 dl plantmilk

A handful of strawberries and raspberries

Blend into ice cream and top with berries and coconut.

Find more lovely berry powders to mix in your Nicecream here




The sense of smell - lives its own life

THE SENSE OF SCENT is the sense organ that cannot be controlled by your brain. Scent molecules go "under the radar" past the cerebrum, to the cerebellum and the limbic system, where the centers for emotions and memory are also located. That is why we are so strongly affected even in the most subtle doses, where we are not even aware of the scent's presence.

Fragrances can therefore be used as therapy (aromatherapy) where, through the aromatic scents of flowers and plants, you can achieve an emotional impact and effect based on the need you have. Fragrances can calm, invigorate, strengthen, ground, etc.

TIPS! Perfume your day with an essential oil based on your needs.

Fill a scent lamp or put a few drops of essential oil in some water and wring out a towel. Dry your skin with the damp towel. Sit for a few minutes and just breathe deeply in the beneficial oils and feel how the body relaxes and brings harmony.

Choose from our 7 unique fragrance blends of essential oils: detox, relax, energy, strength, ground, nordic and sex oil.

They find you here

These incredible plants will save your summer skin!


Many people wrongly believe that oils make the skin oily!

It is the opposite! Oils from plants, known as vegetable oils, plant-based oils or botanical oils, contain more nutrition than many conventional "beauty oils" which often contain silicone.
Silicones are added to give a light feeling on the skin. But conventional beauty oils can also contain synthetic fragrances, synthetic preservatives and synthetic emulsifiers that don't nourish your skin, but instead can create an imbalance.
Face creams and lotions mainly contain water, which actually dries out our skin.
Different oils have different properties, but they are all made up of, among other things:
  • Essential fatty acids - saturated, unsaturated or polyunsaturated - that support a healthy skin barrier.
  • Vitamins - stimulate cell renewal, strengthen collagen, smooth, repair and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Phytosterols - beneficial plant substances that strengthen the skin and promote collagen formation.
  • Polyphenols - counteract oxidative stress, help protect against sun damage and act as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Squalene - found naturally in the skin. Promotes elasticity and gives a beautiful shine.
  • Lecithin - helps maintain the normal function of cell membranes.
Almond oil
In ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions, almond oil has been used since ancient times to soothe, hydrate and repair the skin. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and softening properties, as well as nutritious content, the oil is one of the most popular in skin care today.
Almond oil is a classic skin and massage oil that is semi-fatty and has a mild and sweet nutty scent. It spreads evenly over the skin and is absorbed after a short while. The oil is non-irritating and is therefore excellent as baby oil. Nut allergy sufferers can generally tolerate almond oil, but to be on the safe side, you can apply a little oil to your wrist to see if a reaction occurs.
  • Contains vitamin A which stimulates the production of new skin cells and smoothes fine lines.
  • Vitamin E has a calming effect and is a natural antioxidant that is said to stimulate blood circulation and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. May also help reduce UV damage.
  • Almond oil inhibits the skin's production of sebum and can thus reduce the appearance of acne.
  • The oil has soothing properties and can relieve itching.
Jojoba is not actually an oil, but consists of liquid wax substances, which explains why jojoba so effectively binds moisture to the skin.
Cold-pressed jojoba oil is effective softening and protective for the skin. Jojoba mostly contains the monounsaturated fatty acid gadoleic acid, which is found in the fat tissue of the skin. This means that the oil has a soothing and balancing effect on the skin's sebum production. Jojoba oil is therefore suitable for all skin types, even oily, impure and acne-prone skin.
Thistle oil

Thistle oil is a dry and thin oil that gives the skin a really nice glow. It is quickly absorbed without leaving an oily film. It is a valued face oil for oily to normal skin and can be the rescue for problem skin. You can also mix thistle oil with a slightly fattier oil such as jojoba oil or sesame oil to take advantage of the oil's fine properties if you have dry/mature skin. Thistle oil's rich content of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid makes it a very good skin oil for people who have thin, sensitive skin with poor circulation. It is also a good oil for eczema, rough and bumpy skin, large pores, acne and for skin that has aged prematurely.

Shea butter
Shea butter is a natural fat extract that comes from the nuts of the African shea nut tree. Shea butter has been used for hundreds of years for cosmetic purposes thanks to its high content of vitamins and fatty acids that make the butter good for softening the skin. At room temperature, shea butter is solid, but like other types of butter, it melts at body temperature and is thus easily absorbed by the skin.
  • Calms down
Shea butter is documented to soothe the skin by slowing down cytokine production. Cytokines are molecules secreted by immune cells and lead to skin inflammation. Shea butter for face and body can calm the inflammation which means it is excellent for acne treatment and treatment of other skin irritations.
  • Antioxidant
Because it contains high levels of both Vitamin A and E, shea butter can promote antioxidants such as counteracts signs of aging and defend the skin from damage caused by free radicals. When you use shea butter face, it can preserve the skin's radiance and protect against aging.
  •  Moisturizes
Shea butter can protect the skin's natural oils so that the skin retains its moisture. In addition to this, the natural vitamins and fatty acids that shea butter contains provide intensive nourishment and moisture for your skin.
  • Makes the skin smooth and can improve elasticity
Shea butter for face and skin favors the skin's own production of collagen. By promoting collagen production, shea butter helps strengthen skin cell renewal, elasticity, skin tightening and strengthening. In addition to this, shea butter contains palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid and linoleic acid which are nutritious for the skin and help it retain moisture.
  • Promotes skin renewal
Since the benefits of shea butter face and skin include that it can enhance skin cell renewal, it means that shea butter is very good for skin regeneration and repair of damaged skin cells. The fatty acids in shea butter also have protective properties that can protect wounds from environmental stressors that can disadvantage the healing process.